Until Aaron started talking about blogging tonight, I didn't realize that it has been over a year since we last chatted! That really makes my heart sad! And honestly, when rereading my last post (from 16 months ago) I still find myself stuck in almost the same place :(
I will say that this has been a very hard year for us, but at the same time that has truly made us realize what we have to be grateful and thankful for. We have really learned the value of our life and relationship with each other. Aaron had a stroke in January. It was a true wake up call to us both to say the very least. He has recovered and no one would ever know that he had one. Dixie got a stomach bug that required her to be hospitalized and then got an indolent ulcer on her eye that took over a month to get healed. I haven't been feeling well myself....been very tired, all I want to is sleep, no drive or desire to do much of anything honestly, but the doctors can't find anything wrong with me. Its just part of the PCOS and all that it entails. This year has really woken up so to our own mortality.
We are both trying very hard to live healthier lifestyles. I am still struggling with my weight. I joined Fit Body Boot Camp at the end of April. Can you believe that I go to class at 5 am in the morning!?!?! I really do love the workouts. They are tough, but I love it! Nutrition is still something that I struggle with on a daily basis and it always will be, but I am definitely doing better!
Spiritually, I'm still stuck on that same rock. I know that I am the only that can get me off of it, but for some reason I have seemed to taken root. We have been attending church at Covenant for over a year now and I have even joined a small group. I love my small group ladies! They have definitely been a blessing to me!
Well, I am going to sign off now because its bedtime....4:15 and that 5 am class come early!! I will definitely see you soon!!