Saturday, January 11, 2014


I have a very good friend that mentioned to me she has a word of the year.  I can honestly say that I had never heard of this before.  Then, I noticed that one of my very favorite authors, who is a Christian and writes some devotions, posted on her facebook that she has a word of the year.  A couple of days later, one of my online devotions mentioned a word of the year and even encouraged those who had never had a word of the year to pray to God and ask Him to lay a word on your heart.  Well I did and my word was believe.

And you know me, I had to question the Lord, why believe?  Lord, You know I believe in You.  Why would you give me the word believe.  His answer surprised and shocked me.  He said, you have to learn to believe in yourself, you have to learn to believe in your dreams, you have to learn to believe in your life.  Then He continued with, you know the verses, "Be still and know that I am God" and "I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me" and you know that I answers prayers; but there is a difference in knowing in believing.  WOW!  Talk about the Lord slapping you in the face with a wake up call.  For further confirmation, the next day a very good friend of mine sent me her devotional for the day.  It was on bold prayers.  It asked a simple question, do you pray boldly or conservatively?  Then went on to describe some great people in the bible who prayed audaciously with a bold faith.  After reading that, the Lord spoke to me again.  He said when you believe in your prayers and yourself, you will begin to pray audaciously with a bold faith.  My greatest desire is for you to pray like that to Me.  The Lord actually wants little ole me, to pray audaciously to Him?!?!  What a great and joyful gift!  That makes me want to get up and shout to the top lungs, my God wants me to pray to Him audaciously!!

We are taking a journey thru the year with believe this year.  I hope you will enjoy taking this journey with me!!

Lots of love!!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Why Perfection??


The book that my Ladie's Bible Study is currently going thru is "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World".  I never realized how much I need this study until tonight....

What happened you ask?

Well....One of the things on my agenda for today was to take the Christmas tree down and get the living room back set up like it was.  Well, all Christmas long, I have wanted a picture of Dixie in front of the Christmas tree.  Actually, the whole time that we have been married I have wanted a picture of the 3 of us in front of the tree, but it never happens.  Well tonight, it was just Dixie and I at the house & without Aaron here to distract her, I just new it was the perfect (there goes that word) time to do it.  Well, I take her regular necklace (collar) off and put her Christmas bell necklace on and try to get her to sit in front of the tree.  It took a whole lot to get her to stay there, but she wouldn't give me that perfect look.  So what do I do?  I lost it.  When I say I lost it, I mean I really lost it.  I started screaming and hollering and yes, I will admit it, I even cussed at her.  Why?  Because she wouldn't give me the perfection, that I demanded.

That really got me thinking.  Why do I demand perfection of others?  And I know that I do.  Everything is supposed to be how my mind thinks it should be.  I don't allow room for mistakes, I want everything absolutely perfect.  And when it's not, I lose it.  Why?  All it does it gets me upset and gets everyone around me upset.

In between the tears it really got me thinking, why do I demand perfection of others, when I don't do my best to be and give perfection to those around me.  There is only one perfect person in this world & He doesn't demand perfection.  He demands love, but not perfection.  He wants to try to be perfect in building a relationship with Him, but I always put Him on the back burner and give Him the little snippets & scraps I have left at the end of the day.

I know that I am wrong.  One of my focus goals for the year, is to try to quit being so hard on others - to realize that I don't give perfection of myself to others & I can't demand something of them that I'm not in turn giving to them.  I need a calmer heart.  I need a heart that is ready to accept others flaws, mistakes, and mishaps.  Please pray along with me that God will guide my heart into this direction while at the same time He demands perfection of me in my time and relationship with Him.

Today has been a choppy ride, but hopefully there will be some days of smoother sailing up ahead.  Much love to you and yours!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Day New Year

Wow!  I guess it has been a while since I have been up here.  Hard to believe that it is 2014 already.  Where did 2013 go??  It seems like it was just yesterday that we were moving.  Hard to believe that was 5 months ago.

It's been a crazy couple of months.  Ran my 2nd 5k in October and met my goal!!  My goal was to finish in 50 minutes or less and I have finished in 50:01.  Was going to do a 5k in December, but got a nasty respiratory infection that took me 2 rounds of antibiotics to get rid of.  Every time I got hot, I would cough really bad, sometimes until I would throw up.  Not a fun situation.  With that being said, you can understand why I haven't ran in 2 months.  Its time to get back to it though.  I honestly miss running.  Who would have ever thought those words would come out of my mouth?!?!

On the pregnancy front, we are still trying to get there.  Blood work is still outrageous.  Back taking trilipex full time.  We go back in a couple of weeks, hoping and praying the blood work has come down.  Honestly though, with all of the junk that I have eaten the past few weeks, I am expecting it to be worse.  But today is the first day of a new year and today is the first day of a recommitment.  Time to get back on the proverbial horse and get back to work. 

Speaking of recommitment, Aaron said something in church last week that really stuck with me.  He said that most resolutions don't make it past January 2nd, so instead of making resolutions we need to make commitments and covenants.  It is easy to turn our backs on a resolution, but making a commitment is a totally different story.  So, with that being said, I recommit to start back to my running.  I recommit to being a healthier me.  I recommit to being a happier me.  I recommit to my relationship with Christ. 

What are your commitments for 2014?