Monday, September 23, 2013

Run, Run, Run Away

Why, run away you ask, because that's what I have been doing, running away.
 From What?  Life

I've been running away from this blog for one, so here is an update....
  • We did get moved in with no problems at that end of July.  It has been an adjustment.  For one, I'm not used to living on a 5 lane highway, that has tons of traffic all hours of the night.  For two, it's a big adjustment living in a parsonage.  Though, I will say that it is nice not having to get up at 7 on Sundays to get ready for church.  I just walk out the front door, down the sidewalk, and right to the front door of the church.  Aaron is loving having all the restaurants and such a variety close by.  Which is part of the reason that I'm not losing like I should.
  • I went back to the dr last week.  I am still on the birth control & on the metformin.  I was down 8 pounds since my last visit in July.  I go back to the regular doctor next month for labs & to see what my blood levels look like.  If everything has come down & I can lose between 8-12 more pounds before I go back in November, then we can start some fertility testing!!
  • My Christian walk has not been what it should be.  I know that & have really been convicted of that.  Aaron's sermon last night really hit me hard.  During the invitation, I went to alter & asked God to forgive me & to help me draw closer to Him & seek Him first in all things.  I have started going to a ladies community Bible study.  So far, I am really enjoying it, eating up, & looking forward to it.  Some of my blog posts in the future may be more about devotions & my Christian journey than they are about fertility & that's ok because that means the Lord is answering my prayers!!
  • I have also been running away from my low-carb diet.  I know it.  That is something that I am always going to struggle with.  I had Aaron fix me an egg & cheese on english muffin this morning.  I ate that while I was driving.  I am going to have to start bringing me a morning snack.  I am starving & still have an hour or so before I get lunch.

I have started running.  Well, it's running with a lot of walking mixed in!  I had my first 5k on September 13th.  The Electric Run in Raleigh.  It was rough because I am used to flat lands & pavement only.  This was at the fairgrounds.  Lots of hills & also on rocks.  I finished in 56 minutes.  I have my next 5k in La Grange on October 12th.  As far as I can tell, this is going to be a road run.  My goal is to finish in less than 50 minutes.  I think I can shave 6 minutes off the last time.  The only thing that is really going to be a downfall for me is that ever since the Raleigh run, I haven't been able to go a mile before my calves start cramping up & hurting really bad.  I have definitely got to start adding some cross training in the mix.  Honestly don't know how to get that done in my already packed day.  I will have to figure something out, that's the only my running is going to improve!

Lace up your shoes & let's go run down the road together!!  Lots of love!!